Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oh you shippers and your need for drama.

Can somebody explain something to me?

Why do people who ship something that isn't canon feel the need to justify themselves by making ridiculous claims that everybody who thinks the canon couple is canon just read their relationship the wrong way?

I mean, why not just say you like the not!canon pairing? There is nothing wrong with liking a pairing that isn't canon and there's nothing wrong with hating a pairing that is. When you make claims that show you lack the basic common sense to tell when a series/movie/book/whatever is beating you over the head with "these two are a couple" you don't prove anything and you look desperate.

Just enjoy what you enjoy. Fandom seldom affects canon, and when it does, it's the result of fandom loving something instead of hating on the alternative. It's not worth getting so worked up over.


  1. Was this post inspired by Mater/Holley? If so, I think it's impressive that the writers decided on such a non-typical relationship for a couple. While everyone could see Lightning and Sally's relationship a mile away, they might have expected the same for Holley and Mater, but there's a lot more going on there. She's got a job, more of a lifestyle, really, that will keep her away from him, and they lead very different lives and couldn't possibly be on different levels when it comes to educational backgrounds, life experience and perhaps lifetime goals. So while it's legitimate to ask whether their relationship will last, I love speculating exactly how they will make it work!

    That said, I saw a few hints at Holley/Finn in the movie and will happily support this ship as well. Ultimately, I agree with you entirely. Enjoy Mater/Holley if you'd like, and if not, write some Holley/Finn or Holley/Acer or Holley/Zundapp...fandom is all about fun speculation anyway!

  2. @Rollerwings Party inspired by that, but I've been in lot of fandoms with the same weird attitude going around.

  3. *Partly* Oh man, first replies of the day and I can't spell. This is gonna be GOOD.
